Tooth ligaments

Dec 29, 2017
2 months ago I had a root canal and post / crown fitted to a front tooth.
I still have a mild pain that appears to be in the back of the tooth.and its painful if I bite on it.
I may be ok in the morning but when I get out of bed and walk downstairs there is a sort of pulse throb from the tooth
Been back to the dentist twice and had x rays etc but could find nothing wrong.
He suggested that its tooth ligaments and should go in time but its been 2 months.
Some days its better than others but always there.
Was thinking of getting a boil and bite to wear for a while to settle it.
Dec 6, 2017
It can take a root filled tooth quite a while to settle, but I had a similar experience with a front tooth. It was root filled through a crown 20 years ago and it was not until that crown was replaced that the main symptoms went (I kept thinking that the root canal was failing). When I had a bite adjustment and new crown it became really painful, but that was until the crown was shortened and my bite corrected tered to stop me hitting it. It didn't really help that I have kept bruising it over the years by accidentally knocking a cup or glass into it. Root filled teeth that are crowned just aren't as strong but some teeth that have had work are weaker than others. Teeth can take months to settle after work. Give it a few more months and try to take the pressure off by avoiding biting on it for a few days and a nightguard when you sleep. The ligaments around the tooth can really hurt if they are bruised.

Dec 29, 2017
Thanks for the reply. Dentist checked the bite and the tooth doesn't touch another.
I was told that once the crown and metal post is fitted then thats permanent and can't be removed.
I'll wear a bite guard day and night for a few weeks, just remove for eating. If it helps to settle the tooth.


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