Something stuck in gum?

Jun 4, 2017
Hello, I am an eighteen-year-old who admittedly dislikes visits to the dentist. Therefore you can imagine my hygiene is very good; I have brief and few periods of pre-gingivitis due to being captive in braces for three years. Having removed my braces over a year ago and lucky for me I don't have wisdom teeth (none in x-rays due to premature birth), the end of my dental pain seemed over.

However, about five days ago all the sudden I woke up and the very back of my mouth around the last left molar is swollen. It is sore and irritable. I kept brushing and using salt water, there is no bleeding or puss, but it started to feel more irritable and tender as if it was an infection. It hasn't gotten worse in swelling or pain, but it hasn't gotten better either. My Mother predicts a piece of food of some sort got wedged in the gum line, near my tongue. We've tried using Orajel to numb it enough so I could use floss or a pick to work around the gum but it still is very painful to touch, and it's in a very hard to reach area.

Sadly for me, I start Invisalign, and I get impressions tomorrow, as well as a regular cleaning on Wednesday. I'm petrified. So this leaves me with three questions:

1.) Do you think a piece of food is the problem? Is there something I can do to remove the food before my appointment tomorrow?

2.) What will the dentists do (if it can't be withdrawn myself) tomorrow when I ask them to address the situation?

3.) What are the chances this is a bigger infection and is not food related, what will dentists do then? Will I have to have surgery or procedure done or antibiotics?

Please respond, as I am horrified. This is my worst fear. :(

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