Refund For Dental Work

Nov 3, 2023
Hi I am wondering if I can get a refund for poor treatment by a dentist, and what the best way to go about it is.

I've give a summary of what happed here:

I had a crown fitted a week ago (porcelain) .

Before being fit, I received a call asking me to come in for a new mold to be taken. I was away on a trip however.

The dentist then said they had spoken with the lab, and a new mold was no longer required.

I said that I could fly back to have the mold done again if this would help to ensure the crown would fit correctly, the dentist said no need.

When it came time to fit the crown, it needed to be shaved down a lot in order to allow me to close my mouth.

The dentist was very defensive and hostile in response to any questions I had (very unprofessional), and very heavy handed with the procedure.

I went to a second dental practice to get a second opinion. They did an x-ray and found there was a gap between the tooth and the new crown. I.e. it didn't fit.

I have sent the x-ray to the original dentist who did the crown, to get their comment.

They have refused to make a comment so far, and are instead asking me to come in for an appointment next week.

I after the treatment I have had, I am not comfortable letting this dentist work on my teeth again.

I would just like a refund, as I don't believe due care and attention has been taken, and the dentist has been quite unprofessional and hostile towards me.

What is the best way to handle this if the dentist is refusing to admit any fault, and/or give a refund for this?
Nov 7, 2023
Looking for a discount for dental work can be a sincerely difficult encounter. It's totally justifiable that you may be feeling baffled, frustrated, or even restless about this present circumstance.

On the off chance that you accept that you are qualified for a discount for dental work, opening an exchange with your dental provider is fundamental. Begin by examining your interests and the explanations behind looking for a discount. Clear and fair openness is of the utmost importance for tracking down a goal.

Recollect that your dental wellbeing and your monetary interest in it are critical. Trust simultaneously and the responsibility of your dental supplier to address your interests. While it very well may be an intricate and close to home excursion, cooperating can prompt a fair and good result for the two players included. Your prosperity and inward feeling of harmony are significant, and the goal of this matter will assist you with pushing ahead with certainty.


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