Need help dislocated jaw advice 24 year old

May 8, 2014
Hi, I'm 24 years old- raised by my grandmother who was deathly afraid of the dentist and as a consequence I never went through high school- I have finally been able to see a dentist but it was bad news. I was expecting cavities and molars pulled but it turns out because of my molars my lower jaw has been pushed out of place. I believe this problem is called TMD or TMJ? My jaw is dislocated and to repair it I was told I will have to wear braces for a year and then a splint. I live in an isolated area- my dentist won't take my new insurance- and the braces will cost aprox 6000-8000 dollars - the splint 800 to 2000- and my current cavity and molar bill is 3000 - I only make 14k in a year. I can't ignore my dislocated jaw but I can't afford to fix it. Help, what can I do?
Apr 2, 2014
Is there no other dentist that will take your insurance? You may need to look in your neighboring area to find one that does because utilizing your insurance can greatly reduce your out-of-pocket cost. Before you worry about braces and splints, you need to take care of all of the cavities because they get larger and more expensive to restore the longer you wait. Remember, you don't have to do everything at once. Fixing one tooth a month is better than doing nothing at all.

May 8, 2014
Is there no other dentist that will take your insurance? You may need to look in your neighboring area to find one that does because utilizing your insurance can greatly reduce your out-of-pocket cost. Before you worry about braces and splints, you need to take care of all of the cavities because they get larger and more expensive to restore the longer you wait. Remember, you don't have to do everything at once. Fixing one tooth a month is better than doing nothing at all.
I live in an extremely rural area. There is a dentist that will take my insurance one town over but it will be hard getting back and forth and they will not be able to help with the orthodontist stuff- only the cavities.
I think that's what it's going to have to be for the time being. My partner has offered to help pay so I think I will be able to afford to get one section of cavities done every 2 months and the molars I want to actually do all together in one sitting to get it over with.
We may have to move to an area where we can get better help and perhaps better income.
It's been hard not to worry about. Every day we use our mouths for eating, talking and sometimes things like singing or laughing etc- and for me I have slight lock-jaw when I yawn or when I chew and it can build up into bad headaches. It's hard to ignore some days and I'm worried I'll wake up and it will be far worse all because I didn't have the money to get things taken care of. :(
I feel like this situation is truly a product of modern poverty and it's terrible. I can afford a television but not my own health. I've thought about it and even if I sold everything we both own we would only have half the money to pay to fix my jaw. That's depressing.
I'll try and keep my head and jaw up- Thanks.


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