I'm terrified

May 8, 2018
I have had an amalgam filling for about 39 years(I am 47). I am currently on vacation in Mostar, herceogvina and I have a lot of pain in that tooth. The dentist here told me it is because "the filling is old." All he did was take a panographic xray. I told him I could feel pressure when he puffed air into the tooth and that when I eat it hurts. now 2 days later It has become worse when I bite and even dull pain persists when I am not biting: all the time. I know I am not a dentist but this pain Is FAMILIAR just as when I had an infection in the tooth extracted with an implant now. Yea, I don't think so. I can feel pain which indicates an inflammation or infection. I had one before in one of those ancient amalgams and I ended up having to get an implant. I don't have any more money for dental implants. Why are these dentists looking in my mouth and telling me everything is OKAY when it isn't? If a filling needs to be replaced why do they not inform me when they are placing an implant and doing an exam of the teeth! I mean I never really thought about these ancient amalgams but now that I think of it I think it is Bizarre that it lasted 40 years and was Not replaced. No one suggested "you know since you have had that filling since 1977 or 1978 I think we should remove it and fill it again because we didn't know a lot back then and you will lose your tooth if there is any loosening and decay in the loose pockets which there will be since it is FORTY years old! I relied on the poor judgment of the dentist to tell me what was important to do and NOT ONE mentioned that maybe a 40 year old filling should be replaced! excuse me if I am a bit angry that I have to probably get another tooth yanked from my skull because of lazy ass dentists. and fork over another 2000euro for a SECOND freakin implant. Thanks! so much! I am NOT 70 or even 50 but you have made me feel like a decaying person. It feels great when you look 15 years younger than your age but are losing your teeth one after the other like a 70 year old: having them yanked from your skull is so much fun. Thank You all so much.Not stressful at all! I am having a great vacation. I am now studying scientific journal articles on the internet because OBVIOUSLY I am not going to lose any more teeth. My greatest stressor is my teeth therefore I clench tem. Don't tell people not to clench their teeth from stress when you are the "root" cause..
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Dec 6, 2017
Lily stop stressing. Amalgams last forever so ancient just describes their success. People often have them all their lives and they are pretty strong. Just because you had one implant doesn't mean you need this tooth out. Teeth can fail at any time even if they have no fillings. So what looks great a few months ago can suddenly start looking not so good. I mean they are under huge amounts of pressure every day Perhaps you can have a root treatment? How long are you in Bosnia? These things can usually wait until you are back home. Get some painkillers and maybe a nightguard. Where is home? How long ago was the implant? Mostar looks amazing (just googled). I love that part of the world. Off to Dubrovnik soon. Hope I don't have toothache!

May 8, 2018
Lily stop stressing. Amalgams last forever so ancient just describes their success. People often have them all their lives and they are pretty strong. Just because you had one implant doesn't mean you need this tooth out. Teeth can fail at any time even if they have no fillings. So what looks great a few months ago can suddenly start looking not so good. I mean they are under huge amounts of pressure every day Perhaps you can have a root treatment? How long are you in Bosnia? These things can usually wait until you are back home. Get some painkillers and maybe a nightguard. Where is home? How long ago was the implant? Mostar looks amazing (just googled). I love that part of the world. Off to Dubrovnik soon. Hope I don't have toothache!
Ty for helping me calm down. I get so frightened with pain. so I don't have pain now unless I bite again. I guess that is good news huh? well, Croatia has more modern facilities as it is part of the Eu but still not on par with Western Europe. Seriously, telling me I have pain because the filling is old? maybe he meant loose and it was the language barrier? I am terrified! I doubt you're on your way to Dubrovnik that would be a coinkidink but it is a beautiful city just don't go to a dentist because in Croatia you will be charged U.S or Western European prices for subpar service. And I do not like this part of the world Western Europe is far superior. I like it for very sort intervals and there is construction next to the hotel and the dentists suck:D so I am not sleeping! I will be going back in a week; I don't disclose my country of residence. Do you really think I can wait?! everywhere on the internet states it could be a" life threatening abscess" four alarm fire and "I could die" wtf? the internet is hypochondriacal. so is my mother. I avoid both and my life is wonderful.

May 8, 2018
Lily stop stressing. Amalgams last forever so ancient just describes their success. People often have them all their lives and they are pretty strong. Just because you had one implant doesn't mean you need this tooth out. Teeth can fail at any time even if they have no fillings. So what looks great a few months ago can suddenly start looking not so good. I mean they are under huge amounts of pressure every day Perhaps you can have a root treatment? How long are you in Bosnia? These things can usually wait until you are back home. Get some painkillers and maybe a nightguard. Where is home? How long ago was the implant? Mostar looks amazing (just googled). I love that part of the world. Off to Dubrovnik soon. Hope I don't have toothache!
pain killers? You must be American. Ah, yeah, you are going to learn when you get to Europe that we have no meth labs or druggies on the streets or mass shootings for a reason. there are low crime rates and civilized societies because physicians and dentists do not dispense opiates for pain here unless you are terminal or had excruciating surgery. I literally went to the ER to get my narcotic fix when I had the infection in the other tooth that prompted the implant. And let me tell you the extraction was so horrible I was traumatized by the experience. He took my tooth out in three pieces. The implant situation was just a few months ago which is why I am terrified. and now I read that a tooth with a dead nerve is not as good as a tooth with a live nerve. I have one tooth with a dead nerve so does that mean my face will cave in from bone loss because the nerve is dead like some after photo of a meth addict on google images? yes, hypochondria is catchy.

Dec 6, 2017
Ty for helping me calm down. I get so frightened with pain. so I don't have pain now unless I bite again. I guess that is good news huh? well, Croatia has more modern facilities as it is part of the Eu but still not on par with Western Europe. Seriously, telling me I have pain because the filling is old? maybe he meant loose and it was the language barrier? I am terrified! I doubt you're on your way to Dubrovnik that would be a coinkidink but it is a beautiful city just don't go to a dentist because in Croatia you will be charged U.S or Western European prices for subpar service. And I do not like this part of the world Western Europe is far superior. I like it for very sort intervals and there is construction next to the hotel and the dentists suck:D so I am not sleeping! I will be going back in a week; I don't disclose my country of residence. Do you really think I can wait?! everywhere on the internet states it could be a" life threatening abscess" four alarm fire and "I could die" wtf? the internet is hypochondriacal. so is my mother. I avoid both and my life is wonderful.

I'm there next month. I'm not American! I don't know much about Croatian dentists or facilities. They have a very educated and intelligent population, but it's the technology that may be lacking. Plus as you say there is a language barrier. I'm asking where you're from to ascertain the standard of care in your home country. The tooth might be cracked. That's the biggest reason for an implant if it's cracked to the root. Otherwise it would be a crown. If you grind then it's a good idea to get a night guard as it could happen again.
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Dec 6, 2017
pain killers? You must be American. Ah, yeah, you are going to learn when you get to Europe that we have no meth labs or druggies on the streets or mass shootings for a reason. there are low crime rates and civilized societies because physicians and dentists do not dispense opiates for pain here unless you are terminal or had excruciating surgery. I literally went to the ER to get my narcotic fix when I had the infection in the other tooth that prompted the implant. And let me tell you the extraction was so horrible I was traumatized by the experience. He took my tooth out in three pieces. The implant situation was just a few months ago which is why I am terrified. and now I read that a tooth with a dead nerve is not as good as a tooth with a live nerve. I have one tooth with a dead nerve so does that mean my face will cave in from bone loss because the nerve is dead like some after photo of a meth addict on google images? yes, hypochondria is catchy.

I'm already in Europe Lily. Nothing wrong with ibuprofen for an inflamed tooth. Opiates are optional. Does the tooth still feel cold sensations?
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May 8, 2018
I'm already in Europe Lily. We do have shootings & druggies, no meth labs though! Nothing wrong with ibuprofen for an inflamed tooth. Opiates are optional. Does the tooth still feel cold sensations?[/QUO
I don't count the UK as Europe. I was speaking of continental Europe. There is a huge crime rate in the UK. it is a similar societal mentality to the US though not that bad yet. There is comparably VERY low crime and little to no violent crime in the EU EE countries. Also very little drug use outside Netherlands, France and Germany. No I am not Canadian.:D hilarious you thought so since I never met a Canadian with my sense of humour. I don't find the people of Croatia to be particularly educated. In fact they are primitive in that they do not realize the planet is overpopulated and they reproduce like rabbits, burdening the earth. the average Croatian has 3 kids. In the Balkans not much is done for the environment and people tend to be very wary of Western ideas, clinging to ancient religious beliefs that harm the planet. It is a lot like the US in that respect.There is still strife over religion as idiotic as that is. it is sad that they have some of the most beautiful natural places in the world yet are not oriented towards nature preservation at all. They are completely ignorant of sustainability. If you try to educate them, they defend their "religious" beliefs. SO annoying! also they cannot adequately care for 3 children based on their income so it is annoying. hopefully now that they have joined the European Union they will advance.I hope they won't be like Bulgaria. Unfortunately joining the European Union does not guarantee evolution of thinking in backwards cultures and I say this because the planet is in need of help not more children, development and pollution and we all need to be a little less selfish and more mindful and reverent of Nature.
I'm still laughing about you thinking I am Canadian! The Canadians I have known and they are many are very nice but certainly lacking in the "direct" department and the humour is funny but not sharp.
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May 8, 2018
yes it feels them all too well. re: cold sensations. I was chewing on pumpkin seeds and those are the worst whenever I eat them I feel the pain and I wonder if it has to do with that claim made by Dr. Weston Price that the substance that erodes enamel found in pumpkin seeds, other seeds and nuts and whole grains is exacerbating the problem. I love them and they are very healthy for other organs(supposedly) if not the teeth. but seriously how can that be? I believe in the holistic version of the body so if it is not good for the teeth it cannot be good for the body. frustrating when you are told you're eating healthy by one professional and then yet more foods to be discarded are suggested. Soon I won't be eating anything because sorry but kale tastes as bad as it sounds .good night and thanks.
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Dec 6, 2017
don't count the UK as Europe. I was speaking of continental Europe. There is a huge crime rate in the UK. it is a similar societal mentality to the US though not that bad yet. There is comparably VERY low crime and little to no violent crime in the EU EE countries. Also very little drug use outside Netherlands, France and Germany. No I am not Canadian.:D hilarious you thought so since I never met a Canadian with my sense of humour. I don't find the people of Croatia to be particularly educated. In fact they are primitive in that they do not realize the planet is overpopulated and they reproduce like rabbits, burdening the earth. the average Croatian has 3 kids. In the Balkans not much is done for the environment and people tend to be very wary of Western ideas, clinging to ancient religious beliefs that harm the planet. It is a lot like the US in that respect.There is still strife over religion as idiotic as that is. it is sad that they have some of the most beautiful natural places in the world yet are not oriented towards nature preservation at all. They are completely ignorant of sustainability. If you try to educate them, they defend their "religious" beliefs. SO annoying! also they cannot adequately care for 3 children based on their income so it is annoying. hopefully now that they have joined the European Union they will advance.I hope they won't be like Bulgaria. Unfortunately joining the European Union does not guarantee evolution of thinking in backwards cultures and I say this because the planet is in need of help not more children, development and pollution and we all need to be a little less selfish and more mindful and reverent of Nature.
I'm still laughing about you thinking I am Canadian! The Canadians I have known and they are many are very nice but certainly lacking in the "direct" department and the humour is funny but not sharp.

The guide we had there was very well educated & intelligent. Everyone I met was very cultured. More so than anywhere I've been to in Europe. Where we stayed there was an eco-sphere zone and everything we ate was organic and locally produced, even the honey. It was very unspoilt. I had the impression that they care very much about the environment. But everyone has their own experiences of a country.

Every country also has its own approach to healthcare. But the experience you describe re dental extraction in your home country doesn't sound very positive. It's good that you can still feel cold and I hope your tooth can be saved. Try to stick to soft foods until you have the tooth treated.

I'd not heard that nuts erode enamel so thanks for sharing, I will look that up. Most people who post about food hurting teeth on this forum have had problems with popcorn rather than nuts. A lot of otherwise healthy foods are not that great for teeth. Teeth just weren't designed for us living as long as we do these days or for having such and abundant and varied diet.

I hope you're able to enjoy the rest of your trip and that you are not in too much pain for the remainder.

May 8, 2018
So happy to hear that there is an eco community in Croatia. I travelled from Split to Dubrovnik, through the interior, hvar and Korcula and never met any environmental activists in Croatia lol! It just sounds funny but I guess for tourism they are adapting; there are a few isolated tourist places like that even in Guatemala they make a lot of profit off Western tourists.. But be careful of judging a country by an eco resort "sphere". still great even tourist destinations plant seeds in the locals! That makes me truly hopeful and happy. Thanks for sharing.
regarding the pumpkin seeds, I am not speaking in terms of harming teeth like popcorn; there is a chemical that is released and prevents minerals from entering your teeth. It leeches minerals from the teeth. Scary. And from what I recall and do not quote me as I am neither a dentist nor a nutritionist and I read this a while ago, the premise is that whole grains, seeds and nuts all have this chemical, perhaps an enzyme(I don't recall the name or substance) which prevents the absorption of minerals by the teeth. This is what Weston discovered in travelling to parts of the world were the diet was free of grains and nuts. I suppose pre(non)agricultural societies. you can read about it on Weston Price's site. he was an early pioneer of dental research. I don't know how valid his points are but he is well respected by some. I judge based on experience not hearsay and I can tell you that my tooth has become irritated every time I eat these addictive whole pumpkin seeds it could be because they are more chewy or salty but nothing else irritates my teeth in the same way. my naturopath from New Zealand(not my home country(skype) recommended pumpkin seeds as healthy. I take great comfort in knowing that teeth can be regenerated through diet and that is another one of Weston Price's claims so I am going totry his diet because I simply have nothing to lose by trying to regenerate my teeth and love, nurture and care for them. I think it makes sense that we weren't meant to eat so many grains and seeds. the blood type diet(o) confirms this for me as I discovered before even reading d'adamos work that certain foods I could not digest well and that I felt better after others. Too bad he wrote a book first:D but he confirmed all of my findings. And the perfect teeth of the indigenous societies he surveyed makes me give credence to this theory and experience it for myself. the old men at 70 still had all there teeth in tact. he takes it a bit further stating that jaw development is a result of diet but I think that is a bit strange since my sister and I had the same diet and I had perfectly straight teeth and a perfect square jaw and hiIgh cheekbones while she had four rows of teeth, multiple extractions as a child and braces for three years like Sue Heck from the MiddleLOL! her lips were also not perfectly formed probably from the extra teeth but certainly not from diet. She is ten years older. I think it is genetics for jaw formation and nurturing (and a bit of genetics) in tooth survival but especially nurture after 40. So that's Lily's Theory.:)

Incidentally the extraction was not done in my home country. lol! Sorry you misinterpreted that.:D In my home country in Western Europe treatment is expensive but there are no finer dentists. have a great day.:) I'm going swimming<3
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May 9, 2018
Greetings from America! Today I decided to relish amidst the confines of this Wednesday, more specifically the early hours of this Wednesday, & the generous bounty it has presented me with as I bask in the brisk, crisp air the serene early hours proudly, & methodically exhibited by this American soil through it's location, by which, if you are a believer, is a gift from God, has allowed me to behold such visionary eloquence, & by essence of forward thinking an environment of prosperous ratification. Subsequently, I reach for a glass object created by which the ingenuity only the American spirit may properly sustain, for based on assumptions I had the honor, yet dismay of comprehending moments ago as I translated the words you authored regaurding my birthplace into thought, contain a substance you graciously referred to as Meth, is then exposed to a temperature rendering it into it's Gastly form just long enough for me to impose my mind altering will on it before allowing it to uphold it's solid formality. As I will admit to you, Lady, you are correct, we Americans Love Drugs, but dammit if I'm not proud to be a product of this Land, & Earth as a whole, as you should to, but judmental credence is not my domain, nor my wish. I only wish you someday have the opportunity to visit this Land, for I am certain you will discover it's invaluable composition on this amazing, yet dreadful, gigantic, yet miniscule, beautiful, yet ostentatious canvas where every brush stroke marks a soulful character we shall all appreciate. Love, for us humans, it's most important. Take care.

Dec 6, 2017
So happy to hear that there is an eco community in Croatia. I travelled from Split to Dubrovnik, through the interior, hvar and Korcula and never met any environmental activists in Croatia lol! It just sounds funny but I guess for tourism they are adapting; there are a few isolated tourist places like that even in Guatemala they make a lot of profit off Western tourists.. But be careful of judging a country by an eco resort "sphere". still great even tourist destinations plant seeds in the locals! That makes me truly hopeful and happy. Thanks for sharing.
regarding the pumpkin seeds, I am not speaking in terms of harming teeth like popcorn; there is a chemical that is released and prevents minerals from entering your teeth. It leeches minerals from the teeth. Scary. And from what I recall and do not quote me as I am neither a dentist nor a nutritionist and I read this a while ago, the premise is that whole grains, seeds and nuts all have this chemical, perhaps an enzyme(I don't recall the name or substance) which prevents the absorption of minerals by the teeth. This is what Weston discovered in travelling to parts of the world were the diet was free of grains and nuts. I suppose pre(non)agricultural societies. you can read about it on Weston Price's site. he was an early pioneer of dental research. I don't know how valid his points are but he is well respected by some. I judge based on experience not hearsay and I can tell you that my tooth has become irritated every time I eat these addictive whole pumpkin seeds it could be because they are more chewy or salty but nothing else irritates my teeth in the same way. my naturopath from New Zealand(not my home country(skype) recommended pumpkin seeds as healthy. I take great comfort in knowing that teeth can be regenerated through diet and that is another one of Weston Price's claims so I am going totry his diet because I simply have nothing to lose by trying to regenerate my teeth and love, nurture and care for them. I think it makes sense that we weren't meant to eat so many grains and seeds. the blood type diet(o) confirms this for me as I discovered before even reading d'adamos work that certain foods I could not digest well and that I felt better after others. Too bad he wrote a book first:D but he confirmed all of my findings. And the perfect teeth of the indigenous societies he surveyed makes me give credence to this theory and experience it for myself. the old men at 70 still had all there teeth in tact. he takes it a bit further stating that jaw development is a result of diet but I think that is a bit strange since my sister and I had the same diet and I had perfectly straight teeth and a perfect square jaw and hiIgh cheekbones while she had four rows of teeth, multiple extractions as a child and braces for three years like Sue Heck from the MiddleLOL! her lips were also not perfectly formed probably from the extra teeth but certainly not from diet. She is ten years older. I think it is genetics for jaw formation and nurturing (and a bit of genetics) in tooth survival but especially nurture after 40. So that's Lily's Theory.:)

Incidentally the extraction was not done in my home country. lol! Sorry you misinterpreted that.:D In my home country in Western Europe treatment is expensive but there are no finer dentists. have a great day.:) I'm going swimming<3

Lily I went to Vis and it is apparently listed as one of the ten most environmentally preserved islands in the Med. I can well believe it. It's very different from the touristy places and it's totally the opposite of touristy. You'd be hard pressed to see another tourist. Please try to go there if you have a chance. The only place that tourists tend to stop on a boat trip is Stiniva Bay. it's totally beautiful of course and even with tourists there's hardly anyone there, no cafes or anything. If you want an alternative to the tourist heave this is an island that will make you forget your toothache. The lush vegetation reminded me of La Gomera in the Canaries, totally different from the touristy islands and well worth a visit.

Pumpkin seeds have long been seen as a healthy food, but not something I'd eat these days unless they are in a cake, preferably banana bread. They always used to annoy me because they are so small and flat they are not easy to chew. But in terms of dental health they are unknown as an irritant. In fact they are promoted as the opposite! Apparently they are alkaline and that's always good for your health. What's good to balance your body should in theory be good for the teeth too, certainly for the gums and the ph of the mouth. I'm really pro alkaline rather than acid foods. But my view is that if you feel a certain food isn't doing you any good then avoid it.

I do rate the idea of the blood type diet because it is fascinating that we have different blood types. Although I am interested in how this works given most of us are a mixture in terms of blood type ancestry. But looking at it again it is pretty much all the foods I am drawn to for health reasons.

I have just googled weston price - fascinating stuff. The conclusion is that flour, sugar and processed foods are bad for teeth. Root canals were deemed bad for teeth, better to extract. Not sure I agree with that bit!

Lily if you ever decide to do a dental blog I would love to read it. You are both thought provoking and insightful.

May 12, 2018
yes it feels them all too well. re: cold sensations. I was chewing on pumpkin seeds and those are the worst whenever I eat them I feel the pain ...
I've had two or three large amalgam fillings that were at times very pressure and temperature (especially cold) sensitive during the first year after I received them.

I think at times that the nerve becomes irritated but that when you give it a rest (several weeks, perhaps even months, of not subjecting it to notable pressure and temperature extremes) it might well settle down and no longer be pressure or temperature sensitive.

While I'm clueless about the biochemistry of tooth nerves I think perhaps, the nerve when irritated, swells in its confined space so becomes especially susceptible but when not irritated has a chance to recover, shrink back down to its normal size and so it will not feel its environment (temperature and pressure) nearly as much.


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