Effective ways to grow a dental practice?

May 8, 2019
I'm getting a little nervous because when I start my own practice how will I get patients? Are there certain marketing strategies that work well for growing a practice?


Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
A lot of social media like Facebook and website stuff nowadays. Never found print media like newspaper ads to be worth it. Mailouts can be a reasonable way. Get involved with local Chamber of Commerce and other networking groups too.

Jun 8, 2019
Hey aarongoldstein, The best way to market a dental practice in this day and age is through social media. I'll give you 6 steps below to grow your practice.

1. Website: Your website should be your main source of traffic as 77% percent of patients use online searches while looking for a new dentist. The website should be optimised with appropriate keywords and should have the correct backlinks for great SEO. The site should also have plenty of calls to action(like book an appointment) as the patient needs to see it multiple times before they actually click on one

2. SEO: This is by far the best way to get new patients. SEO basically ranks your website higher in the google search list. For e.g: if you have great SEO, when patients search for " Dentists in (your city)" or "Dentists near me" you'll be in the top search and guess what, they'll definitely be coming over to your site.

3. Blog: Every dental practice should have a blog as its great in educating the patients and allows you to position yourself as the expert

4. Content Marketing: Posting regular content on your website and social media channels like FB and Instagram is great for branding

5. Social media marketing: Promoting your content in this digital age is key. Promote your page and clinic using paid ads to increase market share and gain an edge over your competition

6. Google PPC: this is my favorite. When people search for "dentists near me" i'm sure you noticed the sponsored link at the top. Often times people cant diffrentiate between and actual link and a paid one and this is going to give you a lot of traffic

Hope these 6 points help and feel free to shoot me a message :)



Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
Hey aarongoldstein, The best way to market a dental practice in this day and age is through social media. I'll give you 6 steps below to grow your practice.
  • You should keep a very close eye on how Google rates websites, and act accordingly. If you do this, then you will achieve normal top ranking (under the ads) without having to pay for Google advertising.
  • Similarly for other paid redirections. For example, we use a popular appointment provider over here called Health Engine, but it costs money per redirection. So we have a heavy presence on Facebook and direct people directly to our website for bookings.


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