Difficult tooth extraction

Jan 16, 2023
Hi, I have a concern regarding a tooth extraction that I had about 3 weeks ago before Christmas. Now the dentist couldn't actually take the full tooth out and instead she had to break the crown by splitting it apart and she's referred me to a oral surgeon because she couldn't remove the root of the tooth but she still charged me for half the job? I currently am awaiting to be seen in 2 days time by the oral surgeon but would only be a consultation as I'm not registered with them as it was a referral. I have quoted how much for the tooth extraction will be from him and the receptionist said it all depends on how difficult the tooth is and could cost upto £400, now I have a couple of questions which I am going to share with this dentist before any procedures happen. 1. Can an xray show if the teeth are going to be difficult? As the dentist I saw previously struggled and literally said after that she's never seen teeth like mine before....I'm not very confident with that statement to be honest. 2. Let's say the tooth extraction for only the root will cost "0" if the full tooth was there and the dentist previously didn't touch it would the extraction again still be "0"? Obviously the price wouldn't be 0 I'm just using for example. Because I don't feel comfortable being charged for half the job really. Final question, where I've been referred as an urgent case although it's been 3 weeks already and thankfully not been in pain or anything, can the oral surgeon maybe repair the tooth instead of removing it? Any advice would be appreciated.


Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
Everything is 20/20 with hindsight. I have extracted ~15,000 teeth over my 40 years (prob average for a general dentist) and now I teach students how to extract. It is very difficult to teach/learn because despite assessing all likely factors - age, root shape, tooth integrity, ease of access, etc there will always be some surprises.
If I assess it will be horrendous, then I will refer the case to an OS for removal under general anaesthetic. Even so, I have also had to stop during a couple of planned surgical extractions and admit defeat, tidy up the wound, and refer.
In such cases I haven't charged the patient, but legally I would be entitled. As long as it wasn't a foolhardy attempt, e.g. didn't take pre-op Xrays, then it's simply bad luck, and they have done the right thing to relieve you of pain and to refer.
I can't imagine that the OS would be able to repair the tooth. It was being extracted for a good reason, I assume.

Jan 16, 2023
Everything is 20/20 with hindsight. I have extracted ~15,000 teeth over my 40 years (prob average for a general dentist) and now I teach students how to extract. It is very difficult to teach/learn because despite assessing all likely factors - age, root shape, tooth integrity, ease of access, etc there will always be some surprises.
If I assess it will be horrendous, then I will refer the case to an OS for removal under general anaesthetic. Even so, I have also had to stop during a couple of planned surgical extractions and admit defeat, tidy up the wound, and refer.
In such cases I haven't charged the patient, but legally I would be entitled. As long as it wasn't a foolhardy attempt, e.g. didn't take pre-op Xrays, then it's simply bad luck, and they have done the right thing to relieve you of pain and to refer.
I can't imagine that the OS would be able to repair the tooth. It was being extracted for a good reason, I assume.
Hi, I've recently seen the oral surgeon and he's booked me in for extraction of the remaining tooth/root that was left, I'm ganna be put out for it. As he's a higher up dentist than the one before and can surgically remove the remaining tooth..he will be able to finish the job? I'm a lil anxious where you said that you've surgically extracted teeth before but have had to stop between and admit defeat....this won't happen will it? I'm concerned for my teeth and the financial side as to get the tooth out it's cost almost £500. Well £85 from the first attempt and been quoted £400 from the oral surgeon.


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