I'm a 65 year old metalworker with an affliction inside my mouth that's been going on for 10+ years. In back of my front teeth there is a crud,slime, very viscous, clear invisible crud that drives me crazy nearly every waking hour. It causes me to chew it and try to displace it with my tongue constantly when I'm not eating, wearing a mouth guard,sleeping or chewing gum and I'm so tired of it..........
I've tried everything I can think of to remove it; baking soda,salt,hydrogen peroxide(even the 35% stuff, ouch) 190 proof grain alcohol, brushing with bathroom cleanser, TSP, denture cleaner....sometimes I mix em all to no avail. I've used water pics, electric tooth brushes and had pro cleaning done. The Dentists I've spoken to aren't very interested and I've also been to ear,nose and throat Dr's as well as allergists..............Anyone got any ideas? Thanks
I've tried everything I can think of to remove it; baking soda,salt,hydrogen peroxide(even the 35% stuff, ouch) 190 proof grain alcohol, brushing with bathroom cleanser, TSP, denture cleaner....sometimes I mix em all to no avail. I've used water pics, electric tooth brushes and had pro cleaning done. The Dentists I've spoken to aren't very interested and I've also been to ear,nose and throat Dr's as well as allergists..............Anyone got any ideas? Thanks