
Jul 22, 2016
Hi can anyone out there give me some advice on my options On the nhs for my lower denture, I have had to have my bottom teeth out all but 3 not because they were bad but because they were loose . My dentist as already told me he won't make me a permanent set as it's a waste of time as they won't fit due to my bone loss , the temp set I have I can't wear as they are such a poor fit even with glue they will only stay in maximum of a hour less if I have a warm drink. I am losing weight, can't talk properly etc without teeth he told me my only option are implants and said he would refer me to see someone and they would cost around 6 to 8 thousand pounds which is not possible for me, what happens on the nhs for people like me who can't wear a denture? My whole life as been turned upside down I now don't go out wouldn't dream of going for a meal with family /grandchildren now as I'm embarrassed to have no teeth any advice please
Jun 27, 2016
I'd rather be toothless than have implants done personally. It's a year long procedure with lots of pain and bad complications (e.g. permanent numbness, improper placement, chronic infection). Look up implant malpractice for some horror stories. Mean time before implant failure is 30 years. Implants require sufficient bone as well, and cause bone loss once placed. Makes me skeptical of your dentist saying there is not enough bone for dentures yet there is for implants?! Sorry I can't be more help. That money is better spent on your kids.

Since your dentist won't give you new dentures, If you have a lot of free time and good hands (or a family member's) you can buy inexpensive DIY denture materials online, and make the dentures yourself. If they don't fit right, you make a mistake, or even grow out of one you can make a new one the right way. Think of this like an art/pottery class, you mix the powder with water and set it in the mold of your mouth you made. There are a lot of scams/ads and upselling I had to look through, don't fall for them and maybe ask one of your kids to help you ignore them. Don't buy a mold kit which has you ship the mold you took to a company that makes the dentures. A helpful guide I found said materials were <$50 aside from the dremel and dental flask/vial thing. It was ~20 for the acrylic teeth and ~20 for the powders/etc. Sorry I can't link to it on this web site. Look for a guide that goes from ingredients to the finished dentures. Good luck!
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Jul 27, 2016
Please DO NOT listen to the above advice, and speak to individuals whom had experience with lower dentures, over dentures, or hybrid dentures. These are the typical options you have to replace your missing teeth ( not replace your teeth)

To claim that Implants take one year is incorrect. In addition, complications do exist like anything dental/ medical profession; thus, seek help from a knowledgeable dentists in this field.

Sure, the treatment can be costly, but ask your self the following question: if I had a heart attack, would I question performing and paying for the medical surgery? of course NOT...... so do you question fixing the dental issue you are suffering from. You are losing weight and nutrition, and soon medical imbalance/ issues will follow. Please, take care of your self and don't build a denture your self. Regards,


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