Cosmetic or dentures?

Sep 12, 2014
Hiya, new member here looking for some advice. It's going to be long so bare with me

I've always had misshapen teeth from a young age, use to regularly go to the dentist as a child and never had a fear of the dentist. About 12 years ago I had a small removable brace fitted (can't remember what it's called) when I was about 13 in preparation for train track braces (I'm 25 now). A few months before I was due to have braces fitted my parents and I moved to France. From then I never visited the dentist, tbh I can't remember why, maybe I rebelled and refused (the move hit me hard and I acted out to punish my parents in a way I suppose)

I moved back to the UK when I was 18. By that age I felt too 'old' to have braces (silly I know as many people do have them) as all of my friends already had then in their teenage years. Instead I've just let them go to shit (excuse my French) I do brush twice a day but have never bothered flossing etc. I never felt there was any point as they are a terrible shape anyway so why bother. I have a few teeth that have completely broken in half, and they aren't a great white colour either, years of smoking and drinking a lot of coffee.

The appearance of my teeth has always bothered me but I refuse to go to the dentist, I don't know why but something stops me making an appointment, I don't know if it's fear of being told how terrible they are, I see them everyday, I don't need a stranger confirming it for me. I don't have fear as such of the pain or procedures, I've had enough painful operations the past few years having dodge knees and learning to walk again etc. I've always said I won't visit a dentist until I can afford to have something cosmetic done, but in reality with a young baby now I can't afford it, and doubt I would for a long time either. I've been looking at finances to help spread the cost, but my credit rating isn't the great and I doubt very much I would get accepted. The only other thing I can think of would have all my teeth removed and having dentures. It seems extreme but honestly feels like the only option to finally have a smile that I can be proud of. I have always hated my teeth and get really defensive if anyone mentions them. I also get so uncomfortable if people talk about tooth ache, dentists etc and go very quiet and will stop joining in conversation. I don't smile because of them and always look miserable. I hate my photo taken too as I have a stupid fake closed mouth smile so no teeth are showing at all. I can't even have a nice photo taken of me and my daughter because I always look so miserable or stupid fake smile.

I don't know what I'm looking for really, advice? Personal experiences? Words of wisdom?

P.S sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, wasn't sure where to post, not good at using forums lol
Sep 15, 2014
It's important that such a young age we are already educated by our parents about the importance of taking care of our teeth - oral health is very important. Even though you don't have money as long as you have those good set of pearly whites, you are already rich.

I understand your feeling. When I was a child I used to have bad set of teeth because I did love eating sweets. I even hide them under my pillows. Good thing our family had this family dentist that usually checked our teeth twice a year.

Going back to you. Don't lose hope, I guess that your teeth are not that very bad and there are a lot of ways to still fix those teeth of yours. Also, don't be afraid to pay a visit to the dentist, it's one of the reasons why you are having this regret now. Where do you live? Probably I can help you find the best and affordable dental clinics in your area. Just let me know. I'm willing to help.

Sep 10, 2014
Regarding with dentist issue, I still remember when I was a child that I am so afraid to see a dentist because people tease me that as dentist going to inject it is very painful so I have been believing on that for so long. And when I was in high school that's the time I have courage and it's too late already because the dentist needs to extract my teeth. So in your case, see a dentist before it's to late and you wont end up like me regretting.


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