Upper Front Implant Supported Bridge

Aug 4, 2013
Hi, I'm 23 years old and I had a accident and knocked my 2 upper front teeth out a few years ago. My dentist referred me to someone for implants. Instead of doing 2 implants he wanted to pull the tooth next to where the 2 are gone, because he said the tooth had a cyst and would most likely die eventually even with a root canal done. He said the best and healthiest option would to do 2 implants for a 3 crown bridge so there is space between the implants to breath. He said 3 implants in a row is not good. The process went fine, but now that i have the permanent crowns in my mouth, i am having trouble getting used to them. I had a lot of bone damage and even with a bone graft the gums/bone line are not up to par with the other teeth. In order to make up for the lack of tissue, the crowns have a pink material to blend in with my gums. It looks decent, definitely not perfect. You can still see some black lines on the side and upper part of the bridge. I'm not sure why it still doesn't feel good after a couple weeks of being in. I had the temporary bridge in for about a month and I never got used to them. I'm afraid that i will never get used to this bridge. The reason why i got it in the first place was because I had no self esteem if i didn't have teeth in and i was also told by a lot of sources that it's not good to not have a full set of teeth in your mouth, natural or not. The look of it and the feel of it has been stressing me out for weeks and I finally got around to posting here due to anxiety. I'm not sure if I'm being rational or not, but I felt the need to post here for advice maybe.
Aug 15, 2013
Supported Bridge

You are young and absolutely needed to get what you had done - DONE! I have had bridges, caps and all kinds of things done to my mouth...sometimes it worked out great and other times took me a while to get use to and other times I had to go back to my dentist and have things fixed.

You have to take care of your teeth, and the things you get done to them. If you have to go back to dentist explain the problems and demand, in a nice way that they correct it.

Do you have insurance or a discount dental plan?

Aug 4, 2013
I do take care of my teeth. I brush and floss daily. It was an accident that i knocked out my front teeth. The rest of my teeth have no problems and are clean. It's not as simple as correcting it either. There was a lot of bone and gum damage and even w/ a bone and gum graft, the bridge is in a higher position than the rest of my teeth. They put pink stuff on the top to make it blend in w/ my gums, but it doesn't look good if you look at it closely. I don't have any insurance, because if you go to the dentist twice a year w/o insurance, it would cost the same as going to the dentist w/ it.


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