Tooth resorption

Jul 17, 2020
I am 64 years old and have always cared very well for my teeth. Yet, I was the kid who was always sitting in the dental chair getting fillings as a child. I was a smoker until my late 20s. I had a full set of braces in my 30s for 3 1/2 years. I also have severe bruxism and was fortunately diagnosed at about age 20 with TMJ and have worn mouth splints 40+ years. Fast forward 30 years-- in the last 1 1/2 years I've had 4 teeth diagnosed with tooth resorption. I've had to have a molar pulled so far. The other 3 teeth are 2 back molars and a bottom tooth right in front. The endodontist suggested waiting And watching this time as they don't appear to be as advanced as the molar I had pulled last year and they arent bothering me except for the way the bottom front one looks. I am having an evaluation in a few weeks for an implant for that one.
My dentist said there is an epidemic of people getting tooth resorption and they don't know why. It might be due to braces but they just don't know. The only thing I can think of, besides my braces 30+ years ago is the 4-5 pieces of 2mg of Nicorette gum I chew each day. I can't find any information that this could be a factor but I would love to have some answers as to why this is happening. It's very distressing and I've always taken pride in my teeth looking and being healthy.
thank you, Tiss
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Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
Teeth resorption is usually associated with responses to trauma. When you have braces after you are 25 years of age, your bone is more dense and difficult to move teeth. Couple that trauma with bruxism and you almost have a perfect storm for resorption (did you have recent acute trauma like getting hit in the mouth or fall or accident?) There are still a lot of unknowns about teeth resorption. Sometimes root canal treatments may help, sometimes the resorption continues. It is believed that the inflammatory process can be unpredictable.

Jul 17, 2020
Thank you for your response. I have not had trauma to my teeth so I suppose that leaves braces and TMJ as culprits. The very back molar that was pulled last year due to TR had a root canal many years ago. The 2 molars now that have TR I cannot remember if they have had root canals or not. i have been told by 2 endodontists that there is no treatment that could save them. Ditto the front bottom tooth. The bottom tooth was turned sideways before braces and had a turn wedge in it for 3 years. I do think those roots were extremely stressed. I am seeing a specialist soon about an implant for this tooth because it is gray and dead. Looks bad. The two affected molars we are watching. I am hoping I don't have to have those pulled too. I'm also hoping no other teeth start TR. It really is distressing.


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