Never had teeth pain before please any suggestions

Jul 2, 2016
I'll start from the beginning so please bear with me a bit.
2 weeks ago i was making breakfast and the bacon was done first so naturally i snag a piece and eating it and i bit down and all of a sudden my tooth started hurting (for all purposes i did find out its tooth #5) and throughout the day it got progressively worst. I couldnt even touch it with my finger and i mean like barely brush up against it. I immediatley made an emergency dentist appointment at a local dentist and he looked in there for 2 seconds and said "Fractured tooth, antibiotics and possibly a root canal and a crown" They didnt accept my insurance but the dentist i wanted to goto only did emergency visits on wednesdays so i had to wait 2 more days so i figured pay for this one out of pocket and ill go to them on wednesday and they can just fix me. I make the emergency appointment at my dentist (mind you very very good dentist ive never seen such a nice dentist office cozy and everything and they have amazing reviews so i feel like i trust them) anyways so im at my emergency appointment and i tell the woman who initially took me back what was going on she took some xrays and at this point the tooth wasnt hurting so bad. it would hurt every once and awhile when id eat ( i was eating on other side of my mouth at this point but sometimesthe tooth would hit another or my cheek just right and it'd hurt) New dentist comes in and she looks at the xrays she just took and said that i had no abscess and she couldnt see any fractures and that all my teeth on that side of my mouth looks beautiful and healthy. She then banged on the tooth and surrounding ones and had me bite down on some stuff which at this point the tooth really wasnt hurting anymore just every once and awhile it was really random when i'd get a jolt of pain. So the plan was to finish the antibiotic and she told me it was probably my sinuses. So now a week and a half later its still hurting so im thinking maybe first dentist was right and it is fractured because it was hurting everyday but it would start as a couple small jolts and move to becoming more constant probably because i keep messing with it but so far not as bad as that first day where it was sensitive to my finger touching it. but it has been sensitive to brush twice since then as well. So back on track, now i made a 3rd dentist appointment with the same woman who said my stuff was healthy. this time she did a full mouth exam and really did a thorough job i felt and she took like 22 xrays. I do still have my wisdom teeth as well. Now on this day of course the tooth hadnt bothered me at all the entire day which was a first time since i chomped on that bacon. So she banged on the tooth had me do some more bite tests had me bite on a piece of paper and she did say i was biting a little harder on that tooth so she shaved it a little bit. she also held a qtip with some really cold spray stuff on it but she id say it was a little bit of a delayed reaction but she said its because my pulp was higher up and she really didnt seem to worried about it. She said that she really felt that my tooth is not fractured she said every one of my teeth look healthy. i even said i wanted my wisdom teeth out and she said that she didnt even think it was neccessary she said they look beautiful and no cavities. so she said that she could tell i grind my teeth so she suggested a mouth guard which i went and got today (2 days after my dentist appointment) and my appointment was thursday so i didnt have any tooth pain thursday or friday. i did finish the antibiotic i was originally given as well. today is saturday and my tooth is hurting. Im not stuffy so i dont know abotu allergies but i will say this and i dont know if it means anything but my tooth i do not think has bothered me yet in the evening. I had been thinking maybe the first dentist was spot on with the fractured tooth but then the pain went away so maybe it really isnt fractured and it really is a grinding thing that im not noticing or a sinus thing even though im not swollen eyes or stuffy?

I do hope i wasnt to all over the place with this. And i also know my grammar and spelling is horrible try not to fault me to much i was an infantryman so this really isnt my cup of tea.
anyways any suggestions would be appreciated.
Jun 27, 2016
Sometimes that just happens as a function of eating. Sometimes, due to leverage a hard object may push or twist the tooth slighty. Further, your teeth move all the time to equalibrium. Your pain is gone. No problems.
I'm suspicious of your first doctor for playing off of your anxiety.
Drilling down that tooth likely wasn't absolutely necessary either, as the opposing force would push down the tooth just fine (then again she would know better). For insight: if there is so tooth opposing it above/below super eruption may occur. Go look up super-eruption.

Jul 2, 2016
i dont know how i even accidetally got to this. lol 4 years ago now since i posted this and i never saw the reply. Just want to say thank you. I havent had any pain since then "Knock on Wood" but yeah that first doctor was weird telling me i needed a root canal and it was fractured. 2nd doctor couldnt find anything and the pain did go away. We chalked it up to when i bit down on the bacon i mustve aggravated a nerve in the pulp? I was also pulling sheets of dry wall down doing some demo in the house a week prior to that and like a moron i didnt have a mask so i couldve had a sinus thing going on too because i did catch a cold from it.

thanks again Svor1988


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