Frightening pain after root-canal and minor fillings!

Apr 12, 2016
Last week I had to have fillings on basically all of my molars and a root canal, one day I had fillings on the right side top and bottom, then the root canal the next day, then fillings on my left side top and bottom the third day. Due to my dad's insurance running out all the procedures were done in three days, it was awful. I am very careful about dental hygiene but I ended up with lots of tiny cavities which my new dentist was thankfully able to spot using an intra-oral camera, because apparently I have bruxism issues and my original dentist never told me this. My teeth grinding also caused a crack in my deepest filling in the 17, and this caused further decay and the need for a root canal. I was given a prescription for infection but I was told to only take it if the pain got bad. I never took any because I never had any pain in the tooth that needed the root canal but now I am considering taking it anyway because now I do have pain! Last night I woke up after most likely grinding my teeth to horrible pain (similar to after a braces tightening very intense!) in the entire right side of my jaw top and bottom (the root canal was on the top right) and it's sore again tonight. I am not schedualed for my permanent filling in the 17 until the second of May, should I take the round of antibiotics just to be safe? Is this a bad sign? The left side has been a bit sensitive too even though the fillings were very tiny. Am I just sore because I had all this work done consecutively? I'm really scared because I've never had so many issues all at once, I was also told that I should have been offered one of my healthy wisdom teeth to replace the molar with the bad cavity when I got my extractions last winter, was I really denied my chance to replace my decayed tooth with a brand new one? I feel like my former dentist and maxillofacial surgeon failed to properly communicate with me and now I am scared with so many questions. Even the tiny cavities where ones I pointed out to my old dentist and he dismissed them as being small crevices left behind from when my teeth formed, and now I'm told they were cavities! I'm really confused because I had no pain and only mild and quick sensitivity in the 17 before the rtc and now I'm sore.

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