Teeth and fears about dentist

Aug 3, 2018
hi I’m new here. So glad I stumbled upon it
I need to make a decision and need help and advice to best decide as I don’t know who to trust
Well here is it
I have four quite argue amalgam fillings in my molar teeth . Been there for many years
I’m 57
Don’t remember having them
So could have been like 45 years ago
Anyway I have a frien in Holland who has hers replace with white composite to get rid of the mercury as she’s a Holistic person
Her husband did hers for free
But here’s the thing
I have got a crack in my upper filling which at times I feel great sensitivity in
When food gets in it
So my dentist has told me the best option is s crown
I don’t know if that is the best way to go
As I’ve read that sometimes they cause more trouble to the filled tooth?
So my first question is
Is I easier to drill out and simply refill tooth with a safer substance? And if so , will it hurt and is it toxic to do so?
And is it as hard wearing as amalgam?
Second question is . Is it easier to get a crown?
Save the filling already in there?

If he fills it it won’t need s crown will it?
How big a job is it
And are they different ways it can be crowned or just the one?
Also he said it’s 400 for porcelains n crown
And free for cobalt chromium
But I’m not bothered about appearance as it’s not seen
But I’m worried about what they use
And if it will cause me problems later in
Or make things worse

He also told me he could if I want have all my amalgams out and newer stuff put in
Although I tend to believe that if it isn’t broke then we shouldn’t fix it
I wonder if it’s worth it
Can anyone help please
As I have been pondering for too long now
I have anxiety bad too

This is a picture of just the filing with the crack in that he suggested caping


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Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
  1. You would benefit from a crown on that tooth. The filling might have to be replaced first for a sound foundation. Personally, I'd do a pinned amalgam. Composite offers no advantage, except it's easier for the dentist.
  2. Amalgam is not toxic. Holistic dentists are unscientific, and they make a nice living out of scaring people.
  3. Crowns come in many different materials. You could do nearly anything. Never heard of chrome cobalt crowns, but I suppose it's possible. I would suggest either ceramic (eMax) or a high precious metal (yellow or white gold). High precious will cost you $, but very nice material.
  4. Why would you take out fillings that have been working so well and replace them with composite? I agree, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I have a few amalgams that have been in place for 40years; composites aren't that durable.



Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
I favor the glassionomer core filling. It bonds naturally to tooth structure and doesn't stress like amalgam. Too often I seen amalgams intact while the tooth is fractured off. Amalgam fillings can last a lifetime if it is kept small. I also like zirconia crowns. They are very durable since they are "fake diamonds." High precious metal crowns have more accurate margins against the tooth. If costs are a concern, consider less precious (less amount of gold) metal crowns.

Aug 7, 2018
Do not have your amalgam fillings replaced. As far as I understand it, removing them releases the unhealthy toxins. Amalgam fillings last forever. The white ones do not. Every time your tooth needs a new filling or you're told it needs one, the dentist will drill a bigger hole. Now you're guaranteed, and so is your dentist by the way, that you need more dental work later on and eventually a crown. Once you have a crown, your gum line above the crown will recede, your jaw bone will lose mass in some years (depending on your age) and now you need an implant. I have crowns but they were placed by the rare perfectionist (it took him an hour per crown when placing) in Holland in the days when making money was not the main goal of dentistry in a non-US country. I have had the crowns for 30 years. Two US dentists wanted to either pull them out or replace them. The first one uttered that suggestion 20 years ago. She also told me that all my filling were cracked and needed replacement and wasn't it nice that my insurance would cover most of the cost? I didn't trust her and consulted a dentist in Holland who said it was "bogus" in a nice way. After all he was talking about a colleague. In general you really only want the necessary dental work done. Because dental work on a tooth creates more dental work later on, leading to a most often ill placed crown which leads to receding gum lines in about 5 to 10 years depending on your age, loss of jaw bone above the crown because which dentist is going to take the time to properly set the crown? And now you need a costly implant ...People in third world countries often seem to have perfect teeth. I think our poor diets aka processed foods have a lot to do with getting cavities. IMHO the amalgam fillings last a life time, why sign up for bigger holes and more dental work that wasn't needed to begin with? If it ain't broke don't fix it.


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