Hi all, apologies if this is posted in the wrong section, i have also posted in patients section as i wasn't sure which is correct. Looking for help and advice please.
Around 5 or so days ago i notice a white spot below my tounge and behind my teeth. It was a bit painful at first but that seems to have died down. Should i be concerned that this could be something serious or does it look something simple like a mouth ulcer. In the past i have always had ulcers on the inside of my lip and never in the area it is now so freaking out a bit. Please help ! Thank you.
Around 5 or so days ago i notice a white spot below my tounge and behind my teeth. It was a bit painful at first but that seems to have died down. Should i be concerned that this could be something serious or does it look something simple like a mouth ulcer. In the past i have always had ulcers on the inside of my lip and never in the area it is now so freaking out a bit. Please help ! Thank you.