Pain a month after root canal

Mar 22, 2021
I honestly kind of regret mentioning to a dentist that I USED to have sensitivity in one of my back molars. He said well in order to drill anymore off those teeth, we will have to remove the outside and crown them. I should have questioned this more.

Once the impressions were made, drilling done, temp crowns placed - off I went home. Took an ibuprofen just because I knew I'd be a little sensitive. Nope, I had no idea how sensitive I'd be. After a week of level 7 pain, waking up in the middle of the night when the painkillers wore off, having to go get a snack and take more, I finally was able to get into the endodontist.

This freaking dental office is only open 3 days a week and the endodontist was on vacation. He does an endo ice test and leaves it on the tooth for much too long - I have a high pain tolerance and I ended up hearing my own moans of pain and instantly start crying. Never had that happen before. The pain doesn't end. It just keeps going.

Okay, yes, definitely needed a root canal in that tooth. He drills right through the temp crown, does the root canal, tries to convince me beforehand that I'm nervous about it after asking me if I was and me saying no. This was my third RCT so no I wasn't actually nervous but OK, weird thing to do. Then he leaves and assistant takes an x-ray.

Assistant says there's a void in one of the roots, he will probably have to fix it. Also there seems to be some gapping between the top of the root fill and the fill he puts on top of those stick things. I'm not an endodontist but it looked different than my other RC'd teeth on x-ray.

After that, it's been a month and I've had flare up pain ever since. One of the crowns didn't fit so I have a second temp (presumably didn't fit because of RCT which makes total sense). My TMJ on that side has gotten so much worse, probably because the temp is sitting way too high, even after I came back to have to corrected. Still another few weeks till I get my permanent crown, assuming this one even fits.

I am used to regular pain, especially morning and night, just from having a jaw joint disorder. It gives me headaches and facial pain but I've learned to live with it to a certain extent. This is just another level of existing with head/teeth/face pain and I think the thing that's ticking me off is I feel like I could have avoided it by going to a better dentist. Instead I went to a chain dental company with "affordable" in the name, and I learned a really shitty lesson. I'm trying to look on the bright side and not think about how my TMJ is now worse, my RC'd tooth is still pressure sensitive, I've had a swollen lymph node on that side of my neck for over a month, my energy levels have dropped, I'm out 3.5k and counting, and I'm getting legitimately depressed to the point where I'm really not working or eating enough, can't get out of bed, just super over it.

Just looking for advice, anything to make me feel better about the choice I made with going to this dentist. Wondering if my root canal sounds like it was failed, if I have to pay for it since the x-ray didn't look right, and if TMJ will forever be worse? Also, might not have mentioned this, but pain gets worse when laying down. I'm guessing blood in head increases pressure to teeth but I'm not sure.


Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
Can't say much about the RCT unless you can put up copies of the Xrays. However, if tooth and general area is not settled, then DON'T have the permanent crown cemented. If they can't get your post-RCT pain and TMJ pain settled while the temp crown is there, then they're unlikely to help you once the permanent crown is cemented.

Mar 22, 2021
Can't say much about the RCT unless you can put up copies of the Xrays. However, if tooth and general area is not settled, then DON'T have the permanent crown cemented. If they can't get your post-RCT pain and TMJ pain settled while the temp crown is there, then they're unlikely to help you once the permanent crown is cemented.

Yeah, that's what I was fearing. Is it common practice to fix a RCT free of charge? I feel like I've already been financially gutted.


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