Lower part (root) teeth exposure and gum look thin

Aug 20, 2024
Dear dentist/periodontist,

I was having an issue on my back teeth because the position is slant and it makes a gap between teeth that may cause a risk of food disposition & cause inflammation. My dentist gave me antibiotic but during the consumption I still feel some kind of soreness around my mouth. Then I accidentally check my lower gum and I was shock that my my lower gum looks really think and my dental root shows.

My question is, is this normal ? Note I ever used ortho before when I was young.

And then what should I do with this condition?

Because I always try to clean my mouth really well, brush my teeth diligently, and that lower part was never touched by toothbrush so I dont think it was caused by harsh brushing & for the late 2 years I have always do scaling at least once a year.

and also about my slant tooth, what solution that I must take to reduce risk of food disposition on my tooth gap (gum exposure) beside cleaning it because it's very struggling to clean it properly even with a floss

thank you very much


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