Long recovery time after having teeth removed and foul smell after having hole packed!

Jul 5, 2017
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone could help me.
I have had a lower wisdom tooth and incisor removed Friday just gone. The lower incisor had previously had on and off infections. I think this is due to The top of that tooth being snapped off around 6 years ago when a dentist was attempting to remove it.

The second day after removal of the teeth I was surprisingly feeling a lot better. I did have pain but it was manageable with paracetamol and ibrufen. That night I woke up in tears with excruciating pain. Both holes had no visible blood clot and had vile yellow puss looking stuff in and around the holes.

I went to an emergency dentist the next evening (day 3 after extraction) and was told I had dry socket. The dentist cleaned the holes and packed them with a brown looking substance that was dissolvable and antiseptic, it tasted a lot like Clive oil. The pain reduced dramatically straight away. I was told that the dressing would dissolve on its own and would not need changing but it keeps trying to come out and it smells so bad as if something has died in there! I mean I am not sure but this can't be good for the healing process. I removed a small part of it that was hanging over and as gross as it sounds it nearly made me sick it smelt that bad!
I took the Monday off work just incase as I was still realy tired. Throughout the day I thought I was fine. Still in pain but again was manageable.

On Tuesday I decided to go to work so I got ready and felt fine, but on my way to work I started to feel realy dizzy, light headed, sick. my eyes were heavy as if they wanted to shut and I was really short of breath.
I got to work and was sent home as I was sick when I arrived (this will partly be due to being on a bus they make me feel sick at the best of times) I could hardly focus on my computer screen.

This morning I feel exactly the same apart from I accidentally made my tooth bleed from brushing which will not be helping my situation, but other than that it is only the lower incisor that is hurting but I still feel the same - sick dizzy and have the shakes when trying to move around.

I have tried to find anyone else in the same position or any information to read about it but I am still searching. I can find lots on a normal wisdom tooth or other tooth extraction but that's it, I am now on day 6 and have not yet returned to work and I think I'm going stir crazy! I also don't kkkw how much longer I can deal with the disgusting taste and smell that is in my own mouth
I don't want to go back to the dentist as they said I will not get antibiotics unless there is bad swelling, and there is only slight swelling.

I would love to have some sort of idea of what is happening, whether the dressing should be gone by now and when I should start feeling myself.

I would be grateful if someone could help me!
Thank you

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