Is wisdom tooth removal safe if you have other oral issues?

Oct 17, 2016
Hi there,

I am 30 years old and am finally going through with getting my wisdom teeth removed this winter. I've been trying to grow them in for two years now but there is too much crowding and pain that radiates into my neck, jaw, and ears from them.

I am a little concerned because I have a few other dental issues and I'm not sure if I should take care of those first. I have a couple shallow cavities that I have been putting off getting fillings for because the don't bother me much. Then I have a tooth that broke a couple years back (#15 second molar). It was filled (a huge filling!) 4 years ago. I am overdue on getting a crown for it because I haven't had dental insurance to help pay for it. It hurts from time to time and I have bad breath that comes from that area so I'm worried that I have bacterial issues.

So basically if I have other dental issues will I be more likely to get an infection after my wisdom teeth are removed? Should I just try to bite the bullet and get the other work done first? It's just so pricy but I really don't want any complications from my wisdom teeth removal.

Thanks very much!
Jun 27, 2016
Keep shopping around is my advice. Bad breath may indicate a dead tooth or serious decay (e.g. under a crown). Keep those cavities clean in the meantime & avoid soda.

You may wish to consider extracting #15 and let the wisdom tooth push forward to close that gap. Would be cheaper than fixing #15 and extracting the good wisdom tooth...


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