Hyper aware of one tooth?

Mar 20, 2022
I really don't know how else to describe it. Since the end of January or so I've been weirdly aware of my bottom left canine at random times of the day. Of all my teeth it's the one I notice the most for no reason at all and here and there if I were to put my hand on my chin or press on my face I can feel the "pressure" to an extent.

Back when it first happened I was insanely paranoid of that tooth and wondering if it was at risk of falling out or something. It's never felt loose or moved out of place though and literally a week after I noticed it I went into the dentist, had a deep scaling (so a lot of scraping and pressure to that tooth which led to nothing happening to it) and they didn't mention any risks at all during a dental examination. Went to an orthodontist for a braces consultation last month and they weren't giving me much concern either about any of my teeth so that's literally 2/2 with professionals not being alarmed.

My anxiety is still really focused on this tooth however and I have no idea to describe what my concern is. I start my braces treatment this week and I just can't help but to have these irrational fears my tooth is gonna fall out from the pressure of braces or something lmao. It'd really put me at ease if I could at least figure out what this is. I heard it's possible to have tooth sensitivity after bruxism/clenching which I used to have, though it literally only happened to my back molars and I can't see how I'd be feeling it more with my canine. I had the scaling so maybe some type of root exposure or just overall thing with the gums I have to deal with?

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