Hard gum spot in my mouth & my dentist isn't sure what it is either. h

Sep 17, 2015

I went to see my New Dentist a few weeks ago, upon inspection of my mouth, she asked me about a little pink/white spot on my lower gum, (picture below). She initially thought i'd jabbed my gum with something but i don't recall any injury to that area and as far as i can remember it has been there forever.

She took an X-ray and nothing showed up, only my teeth in that area. She mentioned there were no signs of infection or black spots on screen so that was good news. She mentioned it was light colour and i advised her there was no pain at all, it just felt like part of my gum. She said she wasn't too concerned but would happily refer me to have it checked for my peace of mind. Her curiosity has made me nervous and i wondered if anyone knew what this thing on my gum was?

It doesn't bother me and never bleeds but i am freaking out about Mouth Cancer and all other googled answers which i know is bad but its so annoying not knowing what this is. I don't smoke, drink or take drugs, i eat very healthy, gluten free no processed foods or sugars and keep well in general.I'm 24 years old and never had any health problems. I feel as if my dentist doesn't know what it is.

can anyone help?
picture below.
Thanks in advance!!!



  • gum.jpg
    77.4 KB · Views: 506
Aug 15, 2014
Hi there. First of all I would like to tell you not to panic. By the look of it that thing on your gum looks like a fibrous mass or a sinus. It is hard to tell only looking at the picture. Does it bleed or pain?
It can also be due to a long standing infection in a related tooth. Just wait for some days and observe it regularly. If there is a sudden growth or pain you need to go to the dentist.


Sep 17, 2015
Hi there. First of all I would like to tell you not to panic. By the look of it that thing on your gum looks like a fibrous mass or a sinus. It is hard to tell only looking at the picture. Does it bleed or pain?
It can also be due to a long standing infection in a related tooth. Just wait for some days and observe it regularly. If there is a sudden growth or pain you need to go to the dentist.

Hi there,

Thank you so much for your reply.

No, there is no pain and it has never bled. Its not so clear on the picture but on there is a smaller one along the same area, not as noticeable. I've attached a clearer picture and highlighted the two specs.

Many Thanks,


  • IMG_0742.jpg
    110 KB · Views: 420

Aug 15, 2014
Hi sorry for the late reply.. Was kind of busy.. Nothing to worry. But please observe it for some days. Usually in case of mouth ulcers which do not heal for more than 3 weeks we suggest an excisional biopsy. But yours is not the same. Hopefully it should regress by itself. But if it stays for more than a month and if it shows any aggressive change in the size please visit the dentist. This is the maximum I can tell by seeing the picture. Please feel free to contact me if you need further help.
I would be more than happy to help.



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