Had a root canal retreatment, now adjacent tooth is hurting really badly

May 13, 2023
On May 8, I had a root canal procedure on a tooth that'd already had a root canal on it. The tooth had not been giving me any pain, despite being abscessed. Everything went as it should have, and I didn't have any pain.

However, on the 11th, the tooth right next to it began hurting, and it's been getting steadily worse ever since. They told me I'd probably feel pain in the area, and to treat it with OTC medications, but the pain I'm feeling is similar to that of an abscess. It's a mild, constant, throbbing pain that worsens when you tap on it. What I don't understand, though, is what's going on. The X-rays that I have clearly show that the tooth in question has zero infection. None. They're from April 20th of this year, so still pretty recent. Another thing: When they took new X-rays (those I don't have) when I went in for the procedure, they warned me about a slightly dark area in the front tooth, which they said could've been something else entirely, and it'd be okay to let it go for now. However, the tooth that's actually hurting now, they never said a word about it. Fact that they warned me about one and not the other gives me hope that this is normal, and everything can go back to the way it was. Enclosed are the x-rays of what I'm talking about. I have the ones pre-retreatment, but not post.

Basically what I'm asking is, is this normal? Is what I'm describing something that sounds like the normal part of the recovery process? Or do I need a procedure done on number 8, 200? 7 was the one with the abscess, 8 is next to it. Both were part of the same crown.


Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
A post treatment x-ray would be helpful to rule out any problems with the adjacent tooth. It could just be referred pain from the treated tooth. If the infection was severe, it could take a while for the infection to clear up.

May 13, 2023
A post treatment x-ray would be helpful to rule out any problems with the adjacent tooth. It could just be referred pain from the treated tooth. If the infection was severe, it could take a while for the infection to clear up.
I'll try and get those on Monday.


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