Extra consultation fee - Oral Surgery

Feb 3, 2025
Please tell me if my expectations need to be adjusted. I think I am in the right but I'd like to know what others think, especially other doctor's offices.

I had a consultation performed along with x-rays and some of the work was performed during the same appointment. I needed some teeth extracted on the left and right side of my mouth. During that same appointment, we decided to work on the left side, wait for that to heal, and for my insurance benefits to roll over, before working on the right side. So I paid whatever they billed for, including the consultation fee. They billed me for whatever the insurance didn't cover and I paid it in a timely manner.

Several months later, I called and made an appointment to have the remaining work performed. I informed them that this was a follow up to the other appointment and that they already have x-rays. They scheduled the appointment to perform the work. I showed up (on time), they called me back, I sat in the chair and they verified which tooth was to be extracted just by stating that "we are removing the upper molar on the right?". I answered, "yes". I did not ask any question nor ask for any options. I did not request any info. They numbed me, extracted the tooth and sent me to the desk to pay. I paid my portion and they told me I would be responsible for the remaining balance if the insurance company didn't pay in full. As always, I said, "OK".

Two to three months go by and I receive a call from the oral surgeons office. They said that I have an outstanding balance and that they have been trying to reach me. I asked for the amount and told them that I never received a bill. I asked them what address they have for me. They had a partial address. I gave them the full address and asked for an itemized bill. She said she would mail it. I never received that bill and forgot about it because the amount wasn't that much.

Unbeknownst to me, they started harassing my wife (on her phone) claiming that they could not get a hold of me. My wife has had two major strokes. She can't remember things and didn't remember to tell me. The last time someone called her, she called me right away. They gave my wife a phone number and the name of a collections lawyer. I called as soon as I got home. No answer, left message. Called the next day, no answer, left message. Call the third day and someone claiming to be the admin of the law office said the person, who's name I provided, hasn't worked there for quite sometime. I told her the situation and she could not find any info in their system, related to my name and she said she doesn't think that anyone from her office called my wife. She suggested I call the surgeon's office. I did so right after I got off of the phone with her. The person I spoke with said she would have to relay the info to her supervisor but she was out of town. I also gave her my email address if she could not reach me on the phone.

I immediately reached out to the insurance company and had them go over the charges that the surgeon's office billed for. There was a $125 consultation fee billed for each appointment. The insurance company did not cover either. I already paid for the first one. Two to three days later I revive a call from the supervisor, from the oral surgeon's office. I told her I never received any bills and that I thought it was very unprofessional for them to harass my wife for a debt that she does not owe. She told me that they have sent five bills and that they have tried to call me numerous times. I told her that they did not have the correct address and that I never received a bill even after I verified/corrected the mailing address that they had listed for me. I also told her that I get a ton of robocalls and that my phone may not even ring if it's suspected spam. I also informed her that I have their office number in my phone and that if they called from it, I would have received and answered the calls. I went through my wife's phone and mine. I could not find their office number in either of our recent calls lists so they were using a different number. Not my fault! She told me that they charge and bill for a consultation on every visit and that every doctor that she's had an appointment with does the same. I said that was BS and she told me that I have to deal with the lawyer.

Sorry for the long explanation but I wanted to provide all of the details. That second appointment was in late 8/2024 and they find it necessary to send it to collections and are not willing to discuss any further. I have already filed a complaint with the state's Department of Health Professions and I plan on filing a report with the State AG and a fraud report with the insurance company since this was handled so badly.

So should I have been billed for a second consultation? I've been going there since 2007 without any issues and of course I've always paid my bill, on time. Obviously, I will never deal with them again.
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Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
I think you are in the right here, but it also depends on the policies of your medical insurance in terms of how many times the code for a consultation can be charged. I don't usually bill my patients if they continue treatment for a problem that was diagnosed during the initial consultation. I only charge a consultation again if the patient did not come back for follow-up appointments and a year or more progressed since the initial consultation.
I think the best option would be to raise a complaint and the matter will then be investigated. They need to check your number and address regularly for any changes and they also need to prove that they indeed did send you the bill.


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