Dental Crown Discomfort

Oct 25, 2017
Any chance this crowned tooth will settle down?

I had a sensitive milk tooth that has not fallen at 19 yr age. I wasn't even sure it was cracked until I saw my dentist. It was small, and he said all it needed was a crown - easy peasy. He did the crown prep. OH how it hurt after that. I couldn't eat at all on that side and anything touching it was painful. It hurt all the time. I went back after a week and had the temp adjusted, and that didn't help much at all. It didn't help. I went back after another week, and he said most likely it was BECAUSE HE DIDN'T DO A RCT. He had me bite on some cotton and it only hurt a small bit. He said the permanent crown would probably resolve most of the issues, although it may end up always being sensitive. The tooth definitely doesn't NEED a root canal, since it's a baby tooth.He said it would be easy to do it right through the crown in one visit.

Well, it's now been almost 2 months since he cemented the permanent crown on and while the pain has lessened, it's still super sensitive and no where near normal It hurts all the time when chewing meat or bread, but I can't bite on it. It's PRESSURE SENSITIVE.

Thoughts on if there is any chance after all of this time that it will settle down?? or do I just suck it up?

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