Can I get tooth extraction even if it still hurts a bit and has a pus?

Jun 5, 2020
My concern is I need to get my two left molars extracted as they have been pestering me for a very long time now. I just found out that dental abscess can cause some serious problems like brain abscess if not treated. It's getting me all anxious. I went to a small dental clinic nearby and had my teeth checked last week. And just when I thought they could be yanked as soon as anesthesia kicked in, the dentist had to stop the procedure because I could still feel the pain when she was trying to move my molar which shouldn’t hurt considering that she'd already injected anesthesia in my gums thrice to numb them. I had also finished taking amoxicillin for 8 days but I feel like they're gonna hurt again anytime soon because of the pulse I feel. I've never had extraction before because I'm too scared so Its gonna be my first time.

Could you evaluate what happened? Should I take amoxicillin for another 7 days? Or can I just proceed with the extraction even if it still hurts a bit? She suspected that it still has pus inside my gum that's why one molar was still hurting so she prescribed another amoxicillin but I no longer want to take any antibiotics as I might get resistant. I'm planning to have an appointment again after my period. I appreciate your help.


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Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Good day
Sometimes the bacteria that causes the pain and infection is resistant to Amoxicillin if used alone. Some bacteria are anaerobic i.e requires a different antibiotic in combination with Amoxicillin. I usually give a dose of Flagyl or Metranidizole. You can also try this now instead of another course of Amoxicillin, since the Amoxicillin stays in your system for up to 2 weeks till a month.
There are some side effects with this antibiotic, such as some GI issues, which you can combat with a pro-biotic.
Sometimes the abscess can also prevent the local anaesthetic to reach maximum effectiveness, which might result in a small amount of pain.
My advice would be to rather remove the tooth. Without the source of infection, no further antibiotics will be needed.


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